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In our final episode of the series, we look at being a parent. If you’re a father, mother or carer of any kind, this episode is packed full of insight and advice – from how Debbie talked about sex with her children, to the role of parents and wider society in reducing youth violence.

School exclusions

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Being excluded can have big consequences for a child or young person. In this episode, we hear about the impact exclusions can have. We get clear on what the rights of the child are and how parents can advocate for their children. We talk to parents whose children have been affected and Sandra Harrison, advocate and educationist.

Mental health and trauma

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In this episode, we focus on how trauma and mental health affect us, our children and our communities. We share advice for looking after our mental health, how you might know if you’re experiencing trauma and where to go if you need support. Plus we look at what could make a difference for young people and reducing violence.

Understanding conflict and how to navigate it

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Conflict is a part of life for everyone – whoever you are. But we’re not always given the tools to navigate it. In this episode, we talk to experts about how to navigate conflict – and even turn it into something that can be a force for good. Listen in to hear what happens when we’re in conflict (or avoiding it), and how we can learn to navigate it better, plus top tips.

Why do young people carry knives?

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What don’t the headlines show? This episode, we talk to people working directly with young people affected. We take a closer look to understand young people’s perspectives, the challenges they face and how parents, adults and services can better support young people.

How can we reduce youth violence?

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In our first episode, we ask the big question: how can we reduce serious youth violence? We look at what can lead to violence, and what can make a difference. We talk about how to improve relationships with the police and young people, why role models matter, educating young people, race and parenting.

Uniting Against Violence Trailer

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Uniting against violence is a podcast about how we can reduce serious youth violence in our communities. ​​It’s made by parents for parents, carers and anyone who wants to understand more and take action.

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