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It's our birthday fundraiser!

We wanted to share what we have been up to over the last few years, give you a taste of some of the things that we do and share some of the vision of where we want to go.

There will be cheese, wine and nibbles. It’s our first in person celebration and we’re excited!

You’re welcome to come along whether you want to just find out more, get involved or support us. Or just enjoy the cheese and wine.

When: 11th November 7-9pm

Where: Kings House, 242 Pentonville Road, N1 9NG

Find out how to handle conversations about issues that you care about, without falling out or keeping your mouth shut. 

How we talk dramatically shapes our lives and our wellbeing. We host events on cutting edge issues to help people stay connected even when they disagree. 

Join us to learn how to have a different kind of conversation. One where you end up feeling heard, not annoyed and misunderstood. 

Pick up new skills 

Grapple with hot topics 

Make connections with people 

events and discussion


We host facilitated conversations for communities and groups who might be facing issues or simply want to improve how they handle decisions and group dynamics. 

A guided conversation can help your community work through complex issues in a safe way that leads to positive outcomes. This can include training to help equip people in your community with the skills to have good conversations in all areas of their lives.  

To find out more, email us at You can also check out our training. 

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