Connecting communities through conversations
We set up Crux to help communities of all shapes and sizes become places where people can live well together.
Where we live matters.
The communities we spend our time in can be places which welcome us, bring joy and give us freedom, safety and belonging. Or they can be places of isolation and aggression.
We work in North London and beyond to connect communities, de-escalate conflict and grow relationships.
We do this by:
Training communities to manage conflict
Giving people space to build and restore relationships
Helping groups identify what causes conflict or isolation so that they can tackle it together
Delivering mediation and conflict coaching to stop acute conflicts escalating
Over the next year, we will be working specifically in and around Kings Cross, one of London’s most rapidly changing areas. We will be listening to people to identify their needs and equipping them to create the kind of community they want to belong in.
We often work with partners in our work with communities, if you would like to discuss how we might partner with you, get in touch.
Check out a recent partnership we have been involved in, Uniting Against Violence in podcasts.
This podcast was co-produced by Parent Champions from London’s Violence Reduction Unit (Camden and Islington Boroughs), Parent Knife Crime Ambassadors from The Parent House and Crux.