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Handling conflict with confidence

Work shouldn’t be more stressful than it needs to be. Train your people to handle the biggest enemy of success: badly handled conflict. 

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Conflict can be a creative force, a way to refine ideas and make progress. But for most workplaces, that’s not the norm. We’re more used to the stress that comes from office politics, hard conversations that never happen, building resentment and warring egos. 

Badly handled conflict wastes time and energy you could be spending on growing your business and achieving your organisation’s goals. 

It’s also avoidable: training people to handle conversations more effectively can increase productivity, wellbeing and ultimately your organisation’s effectiveness. It’s complex, because people are complex, but there are simple things your people can learn that make a big difference. 

Our bespoke training for businesses will help you reduce stress and equip your people to work with more success. 

We also offer coaching and facilitation for teams, which can help you work through thorny issues in detail with the support of trained experts. 

Looking for tips?

Check out our podcasts for more information on mediation, thoughts and advice on dealing with conflict.

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